The Assisted Dying Bill

Written by Chris Hardwick

In our season of prayer and fasting in September we saw a growing emphasis on praying not only for our local situation but also our nation. An intercessory Connect Group began, meeting via Zoom, to pray  for the government and other UK institutions. Involvement in such issues is sometimes opposed on the grounds we should focus only on “spiritual” things such as preaching the gospel, but the apostle Paul insisted “first of all I urge that all kinds of prayer be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions,” (1 Timothy 2:1-4), providing the best environment for the Kingdom of God to thrive and enabling us, as Jesus charged his  followers, to have the effect of salt and light in society.

In light of this, there is a situation that needs our urgent attention. On November 29th there will be a debate in parliament aimed at legalising assisted dying for the terminally ill. Across the UK there is growing support for the possibility of legally ending the lives of individuals whose suffering may be overwhelming. Those proposing this bill claim there would be safeguards to protect vulnerable people who cannot speak up for themselves or who, because they feel they are a burden to their loved ones, would request a premature end to their lives. In countries where assisted suicide is already legal such safeguards have often been set aside and the decision to end life made by others. The Bible teaches that human beings, made in God’s image, are to be protected and cherished, particularly in the case of the vulnerable, broken and powerless. Today the skills of palliative care can offer relief options for most forms of suffering, making a dignified death much more likely. In addition, hospices provide in-patient palliative care; control of symptoms of advanced illness or care in the terminal stages, without hastening or delaying death. They rely heavily on donations, so are struggling in the current financial climate.
This is a huge moment in UK history. A vote to legalise assisted dying would bring a seismic change in healthcare but also impact wider society’s values. As believers, we need to pray earnestly that this proposal be defeated. You can have your voice heard by writing to your MPs urging them to take the decision that honours life for all. It will be a free vote, so MPs will not be under pressure to follow a party line but influenced by the views of their constituents. If you want advice on contacting your MP, resources can be found on the CARE website at Let us pray and act together, to help protect the vulnerable, and the heart of our nation.